What is Social Media Optimization?
Social Media optimization is number of social Media sites and community on which you promote your product or services through your website and it increases the fans and followers with bigger publicity.Normally you optimize publicity through Social Media.
Why its need ?
Today Social Media Optimization is important issues as important SEO. If SEO help to build traffic , Social Media build your Brand and Traffic also.
there have many more reasons to integrate with Social Media. -
1. Improve customer experience .
2. Build Brand value .
3. drive huge traffic through social Media.
4. Can analyze your Audience.
5. Build relation with audience.
6. know your fault in service .
How to optimized on WordPress ?
1. Create Fan Page on Social Media site :
If you build your Fan Page on Social Media site such as Facebook , Twitter , Google+ etc, you complete the initial steps to integrate your WordPress site with Social Media.
Create Facebook Fan Page
Create Twitter Page
Create Google+ Organization Page
2. Use WordPress Plugins
Now you can complete the Social Media integration using Social Media Sharing Button and Social Media Like or Follow Buttons on your Blog or Sites.
Social share button : is Social Media sharing WordPress Plugin that display the share Buttons on post , page and custom pages. Another powerful feature is 7 different style and share count with custom social share.
You can easily integrate with social Media site through this plugin.
I have observer that social Media site will get indexed your pages in Search Engine quickly . So , social Media help to improve your SEO.
Today People give priority to involve them-self in Social Network site and spend lot of time to connect with others peoples including Facebook , Twitter is one of the popular of them . Facebook have 900 millions of active users. If you connect your site with Facebook or other social site , You connect with all the active users of social media sites and it become great source of traffic.
Every website should socialize their website with social Media and build a strong presence in Social Network which make connect with worldwide audience. It speeds your audience in worldwide. Don't forget to connect with it .
Social Media optimization is number of social Media sites and community on which you promote your product or services through your website and it increases the fans and followers with bigger publicity.Normally you optimize publicity through Social Media.
Why its need ?
Today Social Media Optimization is important issues as important SEO. If SEO help to build traffic , Social Media build your Brand and Traffic also.
there have many more reasons to integrate with Social Media. -
1. Improve customer experience .
2. Build Brand value .
3. drive huge traffic through social Media.
4. Can analyze your Audience.
5. Build relation with audience.
6. know your fault in service .
How to optimized on WordPress ?
1. Create Fan Page on Social Media site :
If you build your Fan Page on Social Media site such as Facebook , Twitter , Google+ etc, you complete the initial steps to integrate your WordPress site with Social Media.
Create Facebook Fan Page
Create Twitter Page
Create Google+ Organization Page
2. Use WordPress Plugins
Now you can complete the Social Media integration using Social Media Sharing Button and Social Media Like or Follow Buttons on your Blog or Sites.
Social share button : is Social Media sharing WordPress Plugin that display the share Buttons on post , page and custom pages. Another powerful feature is 7 different style and share count with custom social share.
You can easily integrate with social Media site through this plugin.
I have observer that social Media site will get indexed your pages in Search Engine quickly . So , social Media help to improve your SEO.
Today People give priority to involve them-self in Social Network site and spend lot of time to connect with others peoples including Facebook , Twitter is one of the popular of them . Facebook have 900 millions of active users. If you connect your site with Facebook or other social site , You connect with all the active users of social media sites and it become great source of traffic.
Every website should socialize their website with social Media and build a strong presence in Social Network which make connect with worldwide audience. It speeds your audience in worldwide. Don't forget to connect with it .