Automatically share your Blogger post in Social website

Automatically share the post that is another trick for getting extra exposure your post through social media and getting the extra attention on your post that you have submitted earlier.

It is a very tedious job that you share your post regularly in Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook, Digg, and Google+ etc. Sometime you are not able to share your post on Social media for the matter of time. If this job can be done without any effort, it will save your time and energy. Have any way to share the older post on Social website automatically? The answer is yes.

There have many WordPress Plugin that automatically share the post in The Social Media website. If your Blogging platform is Blogger, don’t need any Plugin to share automatically.

Why do you need the automatically share?

We are all know that today the social media play a great role for getting more traffic without any search engine optimization and it is good habit to submit your link on Social media and that help to get indexed your post on Search Engine quickly.

It also increases the traffic to your Blog or Website. You can get extra traffic from Social media and also build your Brand quickly through Social Media.

How to share It is a powerful tool that shares your post easily on Social media site and do social better in less time. It continuously monitors your feed and RSS enabled website and automatically share the website content easily.

Sign up for register your website - auto share

In the next page , you click on Start Feeding option.

Dlvr - Feed page

Now you can see a new page and in source fill the feed URL for your Website and Click on Feed Verified option for verifying the feed URL. If you successfully complete the verification, In destination section where you want to share your post, Click on Add option and select the Social media website one by one.

Yours job is done now and successfully setup your website for sharing new post on Social Media website automatically.

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