Today social sharing carry a big importance among the people. They easily connect with people to each others. Social sharing is a way to share your post and socialize it to gain huge attention among people. Now WordPress become a great platform to make a community Blog. For its easy installing the plugin , WordPress become useful for any webmaster.
Addthis is integrated with Google analytic , which help to analyze your website.
The another powerful plugin is Sharethis.It provide more options in your icon. Sharethis also provide registration to get the information what kind of content share from your website.
Addthis is my all time hit plug-in for my Blog to share the content. But I think , Your taste may be different. You can like small button icon .So , you can choose what kind of icon want to add to Blogger or Blog before or after your post. Addthis is integrated with Google analytic , which help to analyze your website.
The another powerful plugin is Sharethis.It provide more options in your icon. Sharethis also provide registration to get the information what kind of content share from your website.
It is a beautiful bookmaking plug-in for Wordpress and uses in website and Blog.You can choose your Clasic Bookmarks , Sexy Bookmarks or a Top Hat.This Pligin also provide Recommendation and Analytics. Details