Best Image optimization WordPress Plugin

Image optimization is needed to optimize your website or Blog . There have many WordPress Plugin that optimized the images and improve the Page Speed score or reduces the page load times.

Image Optimization WordPress Plugin

This WordPress Plugin reduces the image file size and boost up the loading speed which it improve the Overall performance of the WordPress Blog.It offer the API that perform these optimizations-

1. improve JPEG compession.
2.Changing certain GIFs to indexed PNGs.

WP Smush it WordPress Plugin

This WordPres Plugin optimized the content image and it reduces automatically the appropriate image size.Basically , this is helpful specially on Mobile and Configure it easily in three options.

Hamppy WordPress Plugin

This WordPress Plugin will automatically and losslessly optimized image . It also optimized your images that uploaded in past and possible to convert image file format automatically that will produce the image size smallest as possible .

EWWW Image Optimizer  WordPress Plugin

This WordPress Plugin is a popular for NextGEN Gallery that who are well care of webiste's optimization, sped and page score. Your WordPress Blog will become ,much faster and Google will recognize your Blog's image as 100% optimized.

Next GEN Image  WordPress Plugin

This is a WordPress Plugin that reduces the image and improve the image optimization automatically and losslessly.It also optimized the images that have been uploaded in past.

CW Image optimizer  WordPress Plugin

In very large content , this WP Image Lazy Loading WordPress Plugin improve the image optimization to delay the loading speed which improve the page load times and increase the Google Page Speed optimization Score.

Lazy Loading  WordPress Plugin

Are you know other WordPress Plugin? That help you to optimized your Blog images to load faster, Then share with us in our comment system.
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