Cara Hard Reset SAMSUNG I8550 Galaxy Win
Cara Membuka Hp Samsung Yang Terkunci Lengkap - Dengan cara ini anda bisa membuka kode puk yang terblokir - membuka kode samsung - membuka kunci samsung - membuka pola samsung - membuka kode puk yang terblokir - membuka password samsung - membuka pin samsung dan yang lain-nya.
Cara Hard Reset Samsung Yang Terkunci Lengkap
Perhatian: Buka memory card dan kartu anda agar data tidak hangus.
1. Pertama, matikan ponsel anda
2. Jika ponsel sudah mati, selanjutnya tekan dan tahan secara bersamaan Tombol Volume Atas + Tombol Home + Tombol Power (Tahan ampai anda melihat logo Samsung atau anda bisa melepas tombol tersebut ketika anda merasakan vibration (getaran).
3. Ketika anda melihat logo Android lepas semua tombol
4. Gunakan Tombol Volume Bawah untuk memilih "wipe data/factory reset" lalu tekan Tombol Power untuk OK
5. Selanjutnya gunakan Tombol Volume Bawah untuk pilih Yes, lalu tekan Tombol Power untuk OK
6. Terakhir pilih "reboot system now" gunakan Tombol Power untuk OK. (ponsel anda akan restart dan telah berhasil di buka)
Dengan cara di atas anda sudah berhasil membuka hp Samsung
Kode Rahasia SAMSUNG I8550 Galaxy Win
*#06# -> displays the IMEI
*2767*5282# -> Reset Milletów Java and other related
*2767*63342# -> Data Reset (deletes photos, ring tones)
*2767*927# -> Reset WAP
*#9998*4357# -> help Menu
*#9998*5282# -> Java menu (GRPS / CSD settings for JAVA server)
*#9999#0# -> Net monitor
*#9999# lub *#9998*9999# -> software Version
*#8888# lub *#9998*8888# -> hardware based version
*#9998*746# lub *#9998*0746# lub *#0746# -> SIM Information
*#9998*523# lub *#9998*0523# lub *#0523# -> Setting the LCD contrast
*#9998*842# lub *#9998*0842# lub *#0842# -> Vibration on as long as we keep "OK."
*#9998*289# lub *#9998*0289# lub *#0289# -> Buzzer on until we hold the key "OK."
*#9998*288# lub *#9998*0288# lub *#0288# -> Battery Information
*#9998*377# lub *#9998*0377# -> The error log
*#9998*778# lub *#9998*0778# lub *#0778# -> Table SIM service
*#9998*782# -> Shows the date and time when the alarm clock will ring
*#8999*638# -> Information about the network
*#9998*5646# -> Change the operator logo that shows up at the start of your
*#9998*76# -> manufacturing number
*#9998*968# -> View the available sounds for alarm
*#9998*585# -> Permanent memory phone
*#3243948# -> Digital Audio Interference Off
*#32436837# -> Digital Audio Interference
*#9999# -> software Version
*#0837# -> Shows the versions of the firmware (instructions)
*#0001# -> shows the parameters
*#9125# -> Enables additional options when charging
*#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# -> The program status
*#9998*324# -> debug screens
*#9998*364# -> "Chuvach"
*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#9998*544# -> Detection jig
*#9998*636# -> Information about the memory
*#9998*785# -> Shows errors RTK (Run Time Kernel)
*#9998*786# -> Shows the date of the last turn on and the last off the phone
*#9998*837# -> Shows the software version
*#9998*872# -> diagnostic mode
*#9998*947# -> Reset
*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk
*#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# -> software Version
*2767*2878# -> Reset selected areas of the EEPROM
*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM reset
Tekan Exit. Anda akan melihat menu baru. Pilih Malloc Fail.
Untuk ponsel terbaru:
*2767*5282# -> Reset Milletów Java and other related
*2767*63342# -> Data Reset (deletes photos, ring tones)
*2767*927# -> Reset WAP
*#9998*4357# -> help Menu
*#9998*5282# -> Java menu (GRPS / CSD settings for JAVA server)
*#9999#0# -> Net monitor
*#9999# lub *#9998*9999# -> software Version
*#8888# lub *#9998*8888# -> hardware based version
*#9998*746# lub *#9998*0746# lub *#0746# -> SIM Information
*#9998*523# lub *#9998*0523# lub *#0523# -> Setting the LCD contrast
*#9998*842# lub *#9998*0842# lub *#0842# -> Vibration on as long as we keep "OK."
*#9998*289# lub *#9998*0289# lub *#0289# -> Buzzer on until we hold the key "OK."
*#9998*288# lub *#9998*0288# lub *#0288# -> Battery Information
*#9998*377# lub *#9998*0377# -> The error log
*#9998*778# lub *#9998*0778# lub *#0778# -> Table SIM service
*#9998*782# -> Shows the date and time when the alarm clock will ring
*#8999*638# -> Information about the network
*#9998*5646# -> Change the operator logo that shows up at the start of your
*#9998*76# -> manufacturing number
*#9998*968# -> View the available sounds for alarm
*#9998*585# -> Permanent memory phone
*#3243948# -> Digital Audio Interference Off
*#32436837# -> Digital Audio Interference
*#9999# -> software Version
*#0837# -> Shows the versions of the firmware (instructions)
*#0001# -> shows the parameters
*#9125# -> Enables additional options when charging
*#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# -> The program status
*#9998*324# -> debug screens
*#9998*364# -> "Chuvach"
*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#9998*544# -> Detection jig
*#9998*636# -> Information about the memory
*#9998*785# -> Shows errors RTK (Run Time Kernel)
*#9998*786# -> Shows the date of the last turn on and the last off the phone
*#9998*837# -> Shows the software version
*#9998*872# -> diagnostic mode
*#9998*947# -> Reset
*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk
*#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# -> software Version
*2767*2878# -> Reset selected areas of the EEPROM
*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM reset
Jika SIM card anda tidak terdeteksi / tidak di terima, silahkan hidupkan ponsel anda lalu ketik kode berikut * # 9998 * 3323 #Tekan Exit. Anda akan melihat menu baru. Pilih Malloc Fail.
Untuk ponsel terbaru:
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