5 Easy Way to Speed up WordPress

Today WordPress is the best free Blogging software. Every Blogger likes to run the Blog in WordPress CMS. But should remember that speed in loading which is one of the factor in search engine aspect. The loading speed will impact to the search engine ranking . High search engine ranking impact to the traffic . So , it is not a negligible matter in SEO twink .

PageSpeed Insights (Google) is a free tool to measure the web page loading speed. Many WordPress Blog have reached in top level of loading speed using the WordPress Plugin. Increase the loading speed above the 90% and getting high page rank in search engine.

1. CDN

If you running your Blog in web-hosting server , CDN is very much need to speed up the web page loading . CDN is a Content delivery Network system that convert the dynamic pages into static page which save the time of running queries in dynamic web page and supply the static page.

There have many CDN providers. Amazon web service is the top CDN service provider in the world which is best for big enterprise. But for Small or medium enterprises , CloudFlare , TinyCDN are suitable . Don't miss the service of MaxCDN provider . Many professional Bloggers use the MaxCDN for CDN hosting.

Recommend : 4 Best CDN provider.

[ Image by Tidbits ]

2. Catch WordPress Plugin

Use the catch Plugin in WordPress is the best way to speed up the loading speed. Catch Plugin convert the dynamic page into the static page . So , it decrease the loading time .

W3 Total catch plugin is a WordPress Plugin which is a WordPress Performance optimizer (WPO ) , designed to improve the user experience and page speed .

It is easy to set up the plugin , if you run into any trouble or problem , WP Beginner has a great Guide how to configure the Plugin.

3. Use simple Theme

Google PageSpeed Insights is tool to measure the page speed . It score your site from 0 to 100 point. Score 85 or above is good score in PageSpeed Insights.

The page speed of your WordPress Blog is fully depend on your design and layout of the WordPress theme. The page speed will be above 90% .

Recommend : Top 10 Fastest WordPress themes.

4. Image optimization

High resolution images takes more time to load than optimized images and large file drastically slow down the page speed .

WPmudev has launched a fantastic WordPress plugin for optimizing the image. Reduce the image size and improve the performance using Smush.it API in WordPress.

5. Enable Compression

If you enable the Gzip Compression WordPress Plugin , it load the pages faster and reduce the size of the files upto 70%.

There have several way to set up the Gzip compression and Softstribe provide the fantastic set up Guide for enabling the Gzip compression in WordPress.

You can also use the WordPress Plugin for compression. Gzip Ninja Speed Compression is a Gzip Compression WordPress plugin .


After using these tricks , you can easily achieve the score above 90 granted .

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